Friday, June 24, 2011

Pink Saturday

Hi Blogerettes! It's once again time for Pink Saturday,and I am joining in with Beverly of Today, I want to talk about playhouses. I've never had one as a kid, but I always wished I could have had a treehouse.

It seems the little girls today, can have their own little playhouse in their yards. Here are just some examples of how you can decorate them.

Check out these dishes for a little girl. They look like real depression glass!

This is a beautiful little victorian house, you can build from a kit. It only costs $3,115.00!

Here is a sweet little bed for relaxing and reading.

Love this little pink and green one!

I want these in big girls sizes!

Isn't this floor adorable? I love it!!

They didn't have cute stuff like this when I was little. I had a metal stove and fridge, that was just about a foot high.

I want one of these too! In a big girl size!

It must be so fun to decorate one of these.

This one even has a loft!

Well, I hope you enjoyed visiting some sweet little houses with me today, now be sure and go to Beverly's for some more pink fun!


  1. Hi Debbie,
    I wish that I could of had a sweet little playhouse like any of these.
    I would have never stopped playing.
    All my playing house was done through a doll house or outside in the dirt with rocks and toy cars! LOL!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, I really appreciate you stopping by. The bonjour on the pillow was printed on computer fabric and then ironed onto a vintage doilie.


  2. I love all these darling playhouses! Every girls dream! LOVE your pretty banner. You have a lovely garden and sweet porch.


  3. I would LOVE a playhouse!!!
    Fun photos.

  4. I am sure this is what most little girls dream of. I never had anything that would compare to this. In fact, this looks nicer than where I had to live.

  5. In our time a card board box & whatever we could find made the cutest little houses. Oh, how I'd have given to have one of these.
    Have a lovely PS weekend.
    TTFN ~

  6. Debbie,
    What a truly delightful post!! I so enjoyed it!!
    I would love one of these little spaces for myself!!


  7. Happy Pink Saturday Debbie Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share. I love play houses, and I too, always wanted one to play in. (Cardboard box is all that I had, and I even stapled a few little fabrics to the poked out windows for lovliness. I can remember drawing some wallpaper and a stove on the side of the box inside. Spent many sweltering hours inside, in the Oklahoma heat and humidity, but when we were kids, we somehow didn't seem to notice. A fun time.

    Every little girl should have a play house, and little boys a tree house. What it does for their imagination.

    Thank you for the beautiful PINK share. I so enjoyed myself sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  8. Thsese look like to much fun, I think girls of all ages should have decorate and escape to dream and relax. Happy PS.

  9. Simply stunning - I want the GrownUps version! Just what I need for all my artwork...

    Happy Pink Saturday and a hug from the UK!

  10. now that would be a playhouse meant for frolic and fun!!! love the pix!
    happy Pink Saturday to you! :)

  11. Oh my goodness, Debbie, these are so adorable. Makes you want to move right in! Happy Pink Saturday.


  12. I did not have one growing up but I built one a few years ago in my garden...and i have a bed in their too!

    That pink victorian is gorgeous!

  13. These dolls houses are amazing. My father made me one when I was a little girl - nothing quite this elaborate, but I had fun playing with it.

  14. Oh my goodness, aren't those the cutest things? I would love to have a playhouse for my daughter and I know she would love it too. When I was little, my sister and I would throw a blanket over the dining room table and play underneath :)

  15. Hi Debbie,
    These Playhouses are adorable...I need to show this post to hubby how is planning to build out brat...I mean sweet little 3yr old princess one in the near future. (hopefully before she turns 16 hehe)
    Thank you for stopping by to visit my porch earlier in the week.
    Blessings Kelsie

  16. Hi Debbie!

    What a fantastic homes!




  17. They are all so cute and adorable, Debbie! I wish I had a little playhouse for myself ;o)

    Hope you're having a lovely PINK weekend.


  18. These are sooo cute...makes you wish you were a child again.

  19. Hello Debbie, I'm still making my Pink Saturday visits, love your pink post this week! I keep telling my husband I need a pink lawnshed, I'll have to show him these. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment.
    Hugs, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  20. I always wanted my little daughter to have a playhouse but sadly she grew up before we could afford to build her one. Instead...she had a big bedroom (it's now my studio) where she had a tiny corner for tea parties and the like. To her it was heaven and I pray it was.

    All the pics are so lovely...but the best one is your profile pic of you and the hubbs. I just love it!


  21. Oh , a little girls dream ! Love your pinks !

  22. They are just soo darling. But first I need a grandbaby:)

    Enjoy your 4th Debbie!


  23. Hello sweet friend
    I do have a little play house!! The boys are staying in it right now, but come next week or so, it's getting another transformation, girly style for Julie and CC. They start arriving July 24th. I just can't wait.
    I bought 2 cute pink twin quilts for each bed, but it will mostly be Tiffany blue and splashes of red on the inside.
    I've been painting like a crazy woman lately. I only have one more side of the garage to do facing the pool.
    I LOVE my red stripes.
    We have a little break from the wonderful heat today. The sky watered my gardens. Good thing.
    I hope your having a great summer Debbie. I hope your staying cool. I know you don't like the heat. I LOVE it. We have been swimming. The pool is 87, just perfect.
    Mom and sis were here yesterday. Mom did well, but it takes everything out of her to walk to a chair or to the car. Always assisted. Long road to go.
    Talk to you soon my friend.

  24. these are all so very sweet!

    i had a little playhouse at one of the homes we lived in, but it was NOT cute like these. had to share them with GI Joe dolls and a rambuncious little brother.

    have a sweet day!


  25. These are wonderful, Debbie. I would have loved to have one of these playhouses when I was little! Heck, who am I kidding? I'd like a little pink playhouse now! lol Happy Pink Saturday!

    Waving from Our Back Porch,

  26. Hello sweet friend of mine.
    I'm just about done, just about. Julie arrives tomorrow and the girls on Wed. Last minute touches everywhere, in and mostly out. I found some red round oriental solar lights to hand in my big tree. They look so so cool. No coolness around here, it's been HOT HOT HOT.
    LOVE IT.
    Thanks for the advice for my fingers. I now have some sort of poison ivy on my legs. I've been putting cortisone on, but now I will try vapour rub. i'm going to find it now. I used to LOVE it when my mom rubbed that on my chest. She's doing so much better. Thanks for the prayers and happy thoughts.
    Love you

  27. Debbie...

    First...thank you so much for visiting me today. I loved reading about how your honey 'blessed you' with the frozen charlotte dolls. I'm telling does my heart SO GOOD when I read about men and women who've been married for years loving each other so much that they continually go out of their way for one another. Especially so after years of marriage. Thank you for sharing.

    Now...just have to tell you I love the playhouses. When my daughter was little I wanted one for her so badly but there just wasn't the money around to spend on such a thing. Instead I made her bedroom a little retreat...and to this day she has the best memories of it.

    Thank you again for stopping by.

    Love, Rebecca

  28. Happy Pink Saturday, I'm in love with all those play houses, so sweet! Hugs Marilou

  29. I want of these for me!!!! :) Thanks for posting them. ♥
