Hello, and welcome to another Vintage Thingies Thursday, hosted by Suzanne at
http://coloradolady.blogspot.com/search/label/Vintage%20Thingies%20Thursdays. I think this is so much fun, as I love vintage things, and enjoying sharing my finds and seeing everyone
elses neat stuff. Thanks so much Suzanne for making this a weekly event.

First, I would like to share some lady head vases. Lady head vases were popular in the 50's-60's, and were sold in flower shops. There is a hole in the back of them to hold flowers.They were made by
Napco, and some just have numbers on them. Today, they are highly
collectible, and can be quite pricey depending on the style and maker. They can be found in antique shops, flea markets, and e-bay. These I acquired from my in -laws who also loved to scour flea markets, and garage sales. She picked these up for a song. They are made of porcelain,
and some have very elaborate eyelashes. Some were adorned with necklaces and earrings too.

Here is a fun item hubby and I found in an antique shop last week. You probably have to be a baby boomer to guess what this is. he he (see the end of the post, and I will tell you what it is)

Here is another fun item dear daughter has modeled for us. he he This is vintage, made of layers of lace, and kind of looks like a lampshade. Can you guess what it is? It is a little cap, made to wear at night over your
pin curls. You twisted sections of hair into little rings, secured them with hair clips or bobby pins, and then put on your little cap to hold them in. I thought it was neat.
Well, I hope you enjoyed your visit, and will visit the other participants over at Suzanne's. Oh, and the silver thingy in the picture is a speaker from a drive-in movie. Did you know what it was? thanks for coming by.