Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vintage Thingies Thursday

Hello and welcome to another Vintage Thingies Thursday hosted by Today I would like to share some pictures of our vacation to Victorian Cape May in NJ about 2 yrs ago. I love this town, with it's little shops, and beautiful victorian houses. My hubby and I absolutely love antique shops, and flea markets. He has the bug as bad as I do. So, on one of our afternoon excursions, we found this antique shop. When I see places like this I actually get butterflies in my stomach. Well, not so for our teenage daughter. She tries to be a good sport, but she does not like them at all. Suprisingly, when we stopped at this shop, she decided to come in, and take a look around. There were vintage things filling every nook and cranny. I found this silly looking hat, and wanted hubby to take a picture of me wearing it. Dear dauhter joined right in, and put one on too, and here we are!
This place was a blast from the past. I was really enjoying all of the "eye candy" they had. Imagine my surprise when I turned around to see my daughter wearing this! We were all having a good time in here! What a sport! Should I dare to push it even further?

We were on a roll here guys! We were both laughing so hard, and I said here try this on, and this, and this! This was just too good to be true. Oh look at Susie homemaker here, now isn't this cute?

Even hubby got into the act. They must have thought we were a little kooky in there, but hey, we're on vacation, and we were having fun!

This is dear daughter posing in front of the bed and breakfast we stayed in. That was such a nice family vacation! Although I didn't buy a thing in that shop, we had a blast! Thanks for coming by for a visit!


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Where Did I Park the Car?

Hi Everyone! I have had some back problems lately, and the MRI results say I have a herniated disk. So I wasn't able to make any of the parties lately in blog land. I'm feeling much better today, and I figured I'd just share a funny story with you.

Hubby took me to the grocery store, and dropped me off in front, so I wouldn't have to walk too far. He went and parked the car. We did our shopping, came out of the store, and hubby said "you wait here and I'll bring the car over" I said okay, and off hubby trotted with the shopping cart. I waited.. And Waited........hum, hum and waited............ What seemed like about 15 min passed by, and here comes hubby...........walking by again.......with the shopping cart still filled with groceries, waving hello, then shrugging his shoulders like " I don't know where the car is". He walked up and down a few isles, and couldn't find it, so I guess he figured he's start from square one. I had to giggle. He walked off with the cart again, and I could see just ahead of him, almost directly in front of where I was standing, the CAR. Oh man, I hope he sees it this time. Too funny. Now, I have that thingy that goes on your key ring, and sometimes when I can't find the car, it comes in very handy. The car does make a loud beep, til you hit the button again.

But, hubby doesn't like that "thingy" and says, I know where the car is, I don't need it. Yeah, like they always know where they are going too, right? The same thing happened when I visited a dear friend in Fla in April. The weather was beautiful when I left the Tampa airport. I arrived in NJ, to rather chilly temps, and a gusty wind. Hubby and 18 yr old daughter pick me up at the airport. Hubby said to daughter when parking at the airport, "Now remember where we parked". What????? We come out of the airport, and daughter says, the car is over this way dad.
Hubby goes off again, trotting this time with my suitcase on wheels instead of the shopping cart.
Daughter follows him, and I am trotting behind. Hubby gets to the end of the isle, and trots back. Nope it's not down there. Meanwhile, we are getting blown away by the wind. We proceed down the next isle, me trotting behind. Nope, not down there either. Okay, I find shelter in a little entrance to the airport. Hubby goes one way, daughter goes the other way. I wait.........and wait............and wait..........Oh here comes hubby, still dragging the suitcase behind him, hair flying in the wind. I look in the other direction, and here comes a blonde head. Is it my daughter? Wait, she is coming toward me, and then........gone. Where did hubby go? Oh he went in the other direction. If he finds the car, now how will she find him? Oh man, what a circus. I had to laugh, if only you could have seen it. It was like something from a Three Stooges Movie. Turned out, the car was over about 5 isles from where they thought they parked it. Well, that was my funny for today. Have a great weekend!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Teacup Tuesday

Hello, and welcome to Teacup Tuesday, hosted by Kim at

Today I will share with you my pretty chintz teapot, and the matching sugar and creamer. This lovely set was purchased at Home Goods. I happened to be browsing on day, and came across this teapot. I couldn't believe it was marked $6.99. On another occasion, in the same store, I spotted the sugar bowl and creamer. They were marked $3.99 each. To tell you the truth, I was originally going to sell them on e-bay. The bottoms are marked Royal Cotswold. Once I got them home, I was having second thoughts. The colors are so bright and cheery. You can click on the picture to enlarge. I ended up keeping them, and I'm so glad I did. I haven't seen any more pieces like this anywhere. Now, I'm on the hunt for a teacup to match. Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out Kim's blog to see more participants.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mondays Thrifty Treasures

Hello and welcome to another fun Monday's Thrifty Treasures hosted by Rhoda of Stop over to visit the other participants. Well, I really lucked out with this first treasure here. One day I had to take my hubby to work, because his car was in the shop. I wasn't too happy about getting up so early, but it turned out to be my lucky day! I'm driving down the road on a Friday morning, and what do I spot? A YARDSALE! Whoa, boy, hit the breaks, I'm ready! The place looked packed with stuff, and I couldn't wait to drop hubby off, and check it out.

I couldn't get to the table quick enough when I saw this beautiful chocolate pot. Chocolate pots were first used in the early 1800's to serve hot chocolate, and were made of metals such as silver and copper. Later, they were made of porcelain. They can be very pricey on e-bay, depending on the design and desirability. I grabbed it up, and asked the woman how much. I almost fainted when she said oh I'll take $25.00. I have seen them sell for near $100. and up. This one said Haviland France on the bottom, so I knew it was worth more than that. I said, oh great, I'll take it. I looked in my wallet, and all I had was a ten. She said she would hold it for me, if I wanted to come back. Yey!!! Needless to say, I was a happy camper!

Do you remember baby doll nightgowns? I used to wear them all the time in my early 20's. I spotted this in my favorite thrift shop. Of course it was a Monday, when they have 25% off. It was in like new condition, and was 6.99 minus 25% off. I had planned to sell it on e-bay, as I have sold some before, but I'm not sure I want to part with it. It is the sweetest baby blue, with little puffed sleeves, with tiny pink rosebuds.

This is another find at the thrift shop on Monday. It reminded me of Mary Englebreit as soon as I saw it. It has a little chip on the bottom in the back, but I can just turn it around. It's a nice size one too. Not bad for $3.42

I have been looking for one of these frames for awhile now. I think they were popular in the 70's.
Well, they have been popping up a lot lately, and people are doing so many pretty things with them. I recently have seen them painted white, and instead of a picture, ladies are using them as vanity trays. What a cool idea! Inside where the picture would go, they use pieces of pretty scrap book paper, wrapping paper, or material. It looks so pretty painted white, and I really liked the filagree work on this one. The cost was 1.91 minus the 25% discount.
Hope you enjoyed my thrifty treasures. Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget and check out the other participants.