Every refrigerator tells a story. I understand how magnets could be momentos of someone's life. Magnets with funny slogans and intriguing shapes had turned the door into a family photo album. The refrigerator became a scrapbook long before scrapbooking was in. They also held crayon drawings, report cards, bills, menus, quotes, obituaries, business cards, phone numbers recipes, greeting cards, letters, cartoons, newspaper clippings, coupons, notes, grocery lists-and a lifetime of memories. It would take a hardened soul to read a stranger's refrigerator door and remain emotionally uninvolved.

I remember some of the things magnets held to my own mother's refrigerator door - sayings that made me contemplative and newspaper comics that made me laugh. One of the ones I enjoyed most was the cartoon called "love Is" that used to be in our newspaper each day. My mom would cut them out, and put them on the fridge. I still have some of them today.

A refrigerator door of memories is a family encyclopedia. It is a form of journaling. It serves as a communications center. Today, a refrigerators library has been downsized for the sake of expediency. No reams of paper stick to it. Various electronic instruments of communication have unsurped its information - exchange duties. But, the door is still an important organizer. The magnets hold up messages, a notepad for grocery lists, emergency telephone numbers, and other necessities. Some people today prefer the look of stainless steel, which magnets won't stick to.

They also prefer the uncluttered look. I personally do not like stainless steel, and I like my magnets.

I do occasionally put up a befitting cartoon or comic that happened to give me a chuckle that day, not to mention the picture of me 20 yrs ago, that will inspire me to lose weight, and not open the door. Of course, there are the very creative people out there, who will find a new concept to display the photos, magnets, and reminders, such as this cute memo board made from a baking sheet. (found on pinterest)

So, this is my fridge. The little things that I like to look at, the poem that inspires me, the pictures of my family that I change seasonally, (A large magnet, with a clear cover, that sticks right to the fridge. I purchased it from a catalog) instead of letting them sit in a box on the shelf in the closet. The dear friend, whom I live hundreds of miles from, but think of every day. This is me, this is my fridge, and I like it that way. So, what's on your fridge?

Thanks for coming by for a visit!
What a great post Debbie.
My fridge would not be "home" without STUFF on it too. Mine right now has cute pics, magnets with meaning, picture of Randy when he was 17, my mom and my pets, and the kids when they were really small.
The side is also FULL.
Little magnetic note pads with LOVE on the top or the one that Wendy gave me this summer that says:
"Who says I want to fit in".
Happy Sunday my friend.
Oh this post was terrific! I wish you would come join Love is...visiting myself and Sherry at country wings in phoenix and Marydon at blushing rose too. You would fit right in!
I still have fridge magnets and no kids (that are small around)! Ha Ha! My fridge still has bills clipped to it with photos and saying. I love it! I think it does tell our story. I hope you will visit us soon. I better go put up my Love is... HUgs Anne
Our fridge pretty much looks like yours. We're always knocking things off as we walk by to the hallway:D
I love that you did a post on this!!!
Ahh this bought back memories of when my girls were younger. Our fridge held A papers and awards Drs. appointments and artwork and my calender that helped me to stay organized, as well as many other bits of important information. It's a little more bare now that they're adults. I remember those cute Love Is comics too. Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment.
My fridge door is nekked, Debbie.:)
xo bj
Hi Debbie, what a great post :) I too have magnets and a note pad and a shopping list one too, some items my son made in per school....and it goes on....lol!! and just like you I like it that way :)
I commented on the wrong post Debbie, sorry...you know what I meant. Stay warm.
Hey Deb,
Years ago when I sold real estate...to make the house "tidy" I would suggest that the frig have nothing on it..so my frig is pretty empty. I have a grocery list on the side and a picture of Mack on the front:)
Thanks for visiting me!
Your ICART sounds pretty. I'm good for now...thanks for the offer tho!
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